Innovative Library Media Award

School librarians have developed outstanding creative programs and should be honored for these dynamic ideas. This TASL award recognizes an innovative program at the elementary, middle, and high school level that has been implemented during the current school year. For the purpose of this award, a program is defined as a plan of action designed to meet a specific need while promoting reading or library media services. Innovative is defined as being outside the normal practice. Participation in the program should be voluntary and not part of the scheduled library instruction.

The school librarian who developed and implemented the innovative program must submit the award application. All TASL members are eligible. Each award recipient will receive $500.00. If there are no applications meeting the criteria, no award will be presented.


Application Deadline: August 20
For this award, the program may have been implemented in the 2023-24 school year or as a plan of action for the 2024-25 school year.  Being the application date is in August, we aren't sure how many of us will have come up with new programming for the 2024-25 year.
Winners will be honored during the 2024 TASL Conference during the opening session.


Previous Winners

  • 2023: Kelly Messerly, Smyrna West Alternative School (HS)

  • 2022: Shannon Silvers (High)

  • 2021: Betsy Wolf (Elementary), Emily Haendel & Renee Bailey (Middle), Britni Sauceman (High)

  • 2020: Becky Dodd (Elementary), Tyler Sainato (High)

  • 2019 - Lynn Rushdi (elemmentary) ,Deana Sain (middle), Shannon Hayes (high)

  • 2018 - Chasity Burkes (elementary), Julie Caudle, (middle), Holly Matthews (high)

  • 2017 - Rebecca Thomasson (elementary), Candace Thomas (middle)

  • 2016 - Melissa Laws (elementary), Kari Edgens (middle), Erin Alvarado (high)

  • 2015 - Teresa Barnhill (elementary), Kat Hall (middle), Barbara Collie and Liz Hicks (high)